Alcian blue pH 2,5 – PAS  /  100 test

650,00 AED

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04-163802  –  Alcian blue pH 2,5 – PAS  /  100 test

Product for the preparation of cyto-histological samples for optical microscopy.
Integrated method to show acid mucins, neutral mucins and carbohydrates in tissue sections.
In the first part of the procedure, sections are treated with Alcian blue and acid mucins are stained. Acid mucins and dye form
the insoluble compound “Monastral blue” and therefore will not be affected by the second part of the procedure, when
PAS reaction will stain only neutral mucins and glycogen.
(Glycogen will be stained only if section has not been previously treated with diastase enzymatic digestion).
1) Bring section to distilled water.
2) Put on the section 10 drops of reagent A: leave to act 30 minutes.
3) Drain the slide without washing and put on the section 15 drops of reagent B: leave to act 10 minutes.
4) Wash for 5 minutes in tap water and for 2 minutes in distilled water.
5) Put on the section 10 drops of reagent C: leave to act 10 minutes.
6) Wash in distilled water.
7) Put on the section 10 drops of reagent D: leave to act 20 minutes.
8) Wash in distilled water.
9) Put on the section 10 drops of reagent E: leave to act 2 minutes.
10)Drain the slide without washing and put on the section 10 drops of reagent F: leave to act 3 minutes.
11)Wash in distilled water.
12)Put on the section 10 drops of reagent G: leave to act 2 minutes.
13)Blue in running tap water for 5 minutes.
14)Dehydrate through ascending alcohols; clear in xylene and mount.
NB: The quantities of each reagent are calculated for a 20mm X 40mm tissue section

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Alcian blue pH 2,5 - PAS  /  100 test

650,00 AED

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