Masson trichrome (with aniline blue) / 100 test

1.100,00 AED

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04-010802  – Masson trichrome (with aniline blue) / 100 test

Product for the preparation of cyto-histological samples for optical microscopy.
Recommended method for connective tissue. It demonstrates gametes, nuclei, neurofibrils, neuroglia, collagen, keratin,
intracellular fibrils, and negative image of Golgi apparatus.
Four different stains are used: Weigert’s iron hematoxylin for nuclei, picric acid for erythrocytes, a mixture of acid dyes (acid
fuchsin-”ponceau de xylidine”) for cytoplasm and aniline blue for connective tissue.
1) Bring section to distilled water.
2) Put on the section 6 drops of reagent A and add 6 drops of reagent B: leave to act 10 minutes.
3) Without washing, drain the slide and put on the section 10 drops of reagent C: leave to act 4 minutes.
4) Wash quickly (3-4 seconds) in distilled water and put on the section 10 drops of the reagent D: leave to act 4 minutes.
5) Wash in distilled water and put on the section 10 drops of the reagent E: leave to act 10 minutes.
6) Without washing, drain the slide and put on the section 10 drops of reagent F: leave to act 5 minutes.
7) Wash in distilled water and dehydrate rapidly through ascending alcohols, stop 1 minute in the last absolute ethanol. Clear
in xylene and mount.

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Masson trichrome (with aniline blue) / 100 test

1.100,00 AED

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